Whatever made that noise can not be human…

Sometimes I get out and about. Calmly waiting my turn to order.  Lobby is quite full.  Completely normal for my area at certain times of day. From across the void comes a skull piercing noise that sets my hair on end and makes my blood run cold for a moment. I, and everyone else in […]

Pre-Valentine’s Catch up

Another cold day in FL. It was 34 when I left to hit the gym.  Brrr…. Mostly brrr…  as I do not own cold weather workout gear.  So there I stand, in my thin capri’s, running shoes, a t-shirt and an ill-fitting sweatshirt as wearing jeans seems counterintuitive. I have,  before this point, been somewhat […]

I had no idea!

Apparently I am one of the “pretty preople” at my office. Take today, our building spririt lady suggests we wear pink or red for Valentine’s (though that is Tuesday…  I will be wearing red again on Tuesday) and our popcorn machine will be dragged out again for snacks. OK, I can do this.  So I […]

Back and tired

Hubby and I got back from an early in the year vacation a few days ago. Sun (ish), lots of relaxing and delish food found on a cruise, This cruise was mostly populated by an over 75 crowd, which was interesting to say the least. Got lots of stair time as the elevator was usually […]